Friday, June 19, 2015

One Week Later

It's been a full week since the transfer, and things are looking good. I've been experiencing some nausea off and on, although nothing that's actually brought a meal back up, thank goodness! I'm also feeling very tired throughout the day and lacking in motivation. Both are great signs, but as any IVFer can tell you, the meds can play serious tricks on your mind by mimicking pregnancy symptoms. Waiting it out and testing is the only way to get a clear answer, which is why I have peed on a stick daily for the past three days. Here are the results:

Indeed, things are definitely looking good! Mandy and Wes are over the moon excited, and I couldn't be any happier for them. We have our first blood test on Monday, which I presume will be followed by another on Wednesday. Here's hoping this little bean is nice and comfortable and stays put for the duration.